​Contact Us: 614.754.7648
Speaking Engagements
Need a speaker for your school, club, or organization? We can provide presentations on a variety of topics related to child development, parenting, family life, childhood adjustment, and difficulties. We have given presentations for clubs and parent support groups, as well as, training sessions for agency and school staff and educational seminars for mental health professionals. We also enjoy guest speaking engagements with classrooms and student groups. Some of the topics we haved presented include:
ADHD and Executive Function Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Childhood Depression - When 'sad' is not 'just sad'
Developmental Issues in Childhood Depression
Stress Management
Social Skill Development
Coping with Holiday Stress
Family Rituals and Traditions
Adolescent Suicide Awareness and Prevention

Bullying/Identification and Prevention
Parenthood and Partnership: Maintaining the Balance
Coping with Parenting a Child with Special Needs
Building Resilience
Learning Disabilities: Social and Emotional Aspects
Learning Disabilities: Parent/School Collaboration